Hey everyone!

Thanks for subscribing and reading. I know how valuable your time and attention are, so seek to ensure that I add value.

Every Sunday I bring you an article, an interesting quote that has been on my mind, and a journal prompt, all related to working and living better.

If you know someone that you think would find this content useful, please forward this on to them! I want to be useful to as many people as possible.

Please reach out (tim@timparkins.com) if you have questions for me or topics you’d like to see me cover.

The Life-changing Magic Of A “Get-To-Do” List

I want to let you in on a little secret: the game of life doesn’t have to feel like an endless to-do list. I know, shocking! There are few successful professionals today that rarely feel that their to-do list just keeps expanding on into infinity. When you are uber-successful at delivering quality work, the reward is almost always more work. That’s life! But a subtle shift in perspective on your to-do list can bring huge gains. Bear with me here, I’m not advising you to toss your beloved Post-Its out of the window or set your digital task-reminders ablaze. That would be anarchy.

I’m talking about a slight tweak in perspective. A quick switch of attitude. Changing the lens on your career monocle, if you will.

The standard “To-Do” list? Ugh. It’s a drag, a chain, a tyrant with a whip made of bullet points and deadlines. The “Get To Do” list – now that’s where the fun’s at.

Think about it. Instead of saying, “I have to finish this report by Tuesday,” how about, “I get to dive deep into this report and showcase my expertise?” Instead of “I have to meet with my team,” what if it was, “I get to brainstorm with some of the brightest minds in our industry?”

Your daily tasks are not dreadful duties, but opportunities to shine, to learn, to grow. This may seem like a simple language switch, but it’s powerful. It reframes your work not as something you’re forced to do, but as a choice that you’re making. Because in fact, coming to work and doing these tasks IS a choice you’re making. Imagine how you’d feel if your boss came up to you today and informed you that you were being laid off? That machines had replaced you? You probably would be really eager to keep your job.

Let’s talk about the magic that unfolds when we swap “have to” with “get to.”

  1. Increased Happiness: When you view tasks as opportunities, you’ll find a notable uptick in your daily joy-meter. You’re focusing on the bright side of things, and trust me, your mood will follow!
  2. Reduced Stress: No more feeling like a hamster on a relentless wheel. When you realize you are choosing to take on these tasks, it eases the burden and reduces the stress associated with them.
  3. Enhanced Motivation: When you get to do something, it’s because you find it valuable. This sense of personal importance can seriously rev up your motivation engine and fuel your drive to accomplish these tasks.
  4. Greater Self-Empowerment: You’re not a puppet at the mercy of your to-do list anymore. No, sir! You’re the puppeteer, the master of your time and tasks. This shift in perspective can lead to a powerful feeling of control and self-determination.
  5. Boosted Creativity: When tasks become opportunities, it opens the door for innovation. You’re not just doing stuff to get it done, you’re doing it to excel, learn, and maybe even add your unique twist. You might even find you have fun if you aren’t careful.

Embracing a ‘Get to Do’ attitude won’t just get you through the week, it’ll power you through life with a radiant smile and a spirit that says, “Bring it on!” This little mindset shift can create big ripples in your career and personal fulfilment.

Life’s not just about what we have to do, it’s about what we get to do. So, let’s unchain ourselves from obligation and enjoy the trajectory of our career path.

Remember, life is not a chore, it’s an adventure. Here’s to embracing our ‘Get to Do’ lists with gusto, humour, and maybe a touch of rebelliousness. You don’t have to live the life others think you should!

Quotation that I have been pondering

Most people acknowledge we are in a very challenging time in history, facing a myriad of issues that sometimes feel existential. It can feel overwhelming, feeling like there are so many things to fix.

Which is why this quote from Rumi is so relevant:

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

He does a great job reminding us that the only way to change the world is to change yourself. By showing others what is possible, you inspire change.

Journal Prompt

Intentions matter. They have enormous power to shape our view of the world, and by extension, the reality that we perceive. Yet many people don’t consciously set intentions; they bounce from decision to decision during the day. This not only drains your finite willpower, it also lowers the likelihood you will make decisions that align with what you are trying to achieve.

Reflect on the following question, noting without judgement what comes up for you:

“How will I choose to be today?”

Setting daily intentions shapes your future identity. That makes it worth the investment of a few minutes each day.

Don’t Just Scroll By….

Had some career success, but feel that work is devouring your soul? Feeling like your job is keeping you handcuffed and you need to “put in your time”, like it is some sort of prison sentence?

I’ve been there. It sucks.

You need to introduce changes NOW if you feel that way; staying in that space for long has scary outcomes that you would rather avoid.

I won’t tell you to quit job and “follow your passion”. Promise.

I will work with you to help you craft a job that is perfect – for you. You can (and should!) design your work so it perfectly fits with the lifestyle you crave.

Book your FREE consultation today. Consuming content is a great way to learn – but it won’t get you out of the situation you’re in. Take the help!

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