Do you dream of turning your passion into your paycheck? Or do you see work as a means to an end, a way to fund the life you truly want? These are two distinct approaches to work, and while neither is right or wrong, the path you choose shapes your career, your energy, and how you experience life.

Let’s explore these strategies, their challenges, and how to decide which one fits your life best right now.

The Two Approaches

On one side is the idea of pursuing work based on your passions. This is the dream for many, finding work that excites and fulfills you, where every day feels meaningful because you’re doing what you love to do. The other approach sees work as a tool. Rather than seeking fulfillment from your job, you use the income it provides to fund your passions outside of work. Here, work is a means to an end, enabling you to enjoy hobbies, interests, and a lifestyle without the pressure to monetize your passions.

Both approaches have their appeal, but they also come with significant challenges. Let’s unpack them.

The Challenges of Passion-Driven Work

Working in alignment with your passions sounds ideal, but it’s not without complications. First, your passion might not pay well or provide a stable income. Many creative or niche fields are notoriously competitive or undervalued, which can leave you financially insecure. And when you’re financially insecure, you’re much more likely to end up taking on work that isn’t strongly aligned with what you’re trying to do. This can lead you astray, as that puts you into the second approach. It’s also possible that the work you’re passionate about is in low demand, making it difficult to find opportunities or clients.

Another challenge is that many people struggle to identify a single passion to focus on. You might have multiple interests, or you may find that your passion changes. Even if you turn your passion into a career, there’s a risk that you ruin your passion. What once brought you joy might feel like an obligation when tied to deadlines, client demands, or financial stress.

However, for those who can successfully navigate these challenges, the rewards can be fulfilling: a life where work feels aligned with your purpose and values.

The Challenges of Using Work to Fund Your Passions

On the surface, viewing work as a tool to fund your passions offers financial stability and the freedom to explore your interests on your own terms. However, this approach has its own risks. Chief among them is resentment. If you dislike your work, you may find it draining your energy and enthusiasm, leaving little in the tank for your passions.

When your work is “just a job,” it can become a drain on your motivation, leaving you too tired or uninspired to pursue your passions outside of work.

Another common issue is what I call the “promotion trap”. You chase titles, raises, or additional responsibilities purely for external validation, not because they align with your personal values or goals. Not only have I seen this countless times, I’ve made this mistake myself. I poured my energy into pursuing career advancements I didn’t even want, only to feel further disconnected from the things I truly cared about once I finally landed the promotion. It’s a cycle I see play out often: people climbing a career ladder they don’t even like, only to find themselves trapped in a job that consumes their time and energy, leaving little room for what matters most to them.

This approach to work can lead to “lifestyle creep”, where you design your life based upon your stable income. You’ll often earn more money the longer you do something, as your level of experience and ability to deliver value increases. And because you believe your income is secure, you end up living a life that costs more. This can keep you trapped, as it becomes difficult to make career changes that would pose financial risks to your current lifestyle.

Despite these challenges, this approach can work well if you set clear boundaries, protect your time and energy, and remain intentional about your career choices.

A Life-Centred Perspective

Before deciding which approach to take, step back and ask yourself: how does work fit into my life as a whole? Too often, people view their career as a separate entity, something to optimize and perfect. But your work isn’t just about what you do from 9 to 5; it affects your relationships, your health, your time, and your energy.

For example, a demanding job that leaves no time for family or hobbies might not feel like success, even if it pays well. Or an amazing job you love that requires you to spend 3 hours a day commuting might not be what you want. If you love to hike in nature, moving to a large city for a new job opportunity might not be the right move. By considering your career in the context of your entire life, you can make choices that feel more balanced and sustainable.

How to Choose the Right Approach (For Now)

The good news is that you’re not locked onto one path forever. Your priorities and circumstances will evolve over time, and so can your approach. Start by reflecting on what matters most to you right now. Are you in a phase of life where you crave fulfillment from your work, or would financial stability and a clear boundary between work and life serve you better?

Testing your assumptions can also be incredibly valuable. If you’re considering a passion-driven career, try it on a smaller scale first. Freelance, consult, or start a side project to gauge whether it’s something you’d want to pursue full-time. If you’re leaning toward the second approach, ensure you protect time and energy for your passions outside of work. Too often, people let work creep into every corner of their lives, leaving little room for the very things they’re working to fund.

Finally, be mindful of the promotion trap. If you decide to pursue work as a tool to fund your passions, avoid the temptation to chase promotions or titles purely for external validation or for a pay raise that you can live without. Before accepting a new role or responsibility, ask yourself if it aligns with your broader goals or if it will pull you further away from the life you want to create.

A Hybrid Approach

These two paths aren’t mutually exclusive. Many people find fulfillment in a hybrid model that blurs the distinction between them. You might choose a job that aligns tangentially with your interests, something you enjoy but aren’t deeply passionate about while pursuing your true passions on the side. Or you could use your current job to fund training, networking, or resources to eventually transition into passion-based work. A portfolio career, where you blend multiple income streams, is another way to combine financial stability with passion-driven projects.


Neither approach to work is better or worse; what matters is that you make your choice intentionally and within the context of your whole life. Whether you’re working for love or working to live, aligning your career with your current priorities will help you create a life that feels meaningful and balanced.

So, where are you right now? Which approach feels like the best fit for you today? Let me know—I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Quotation that I’ve been pondering

The legendary playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote so poetically about what brings joy in life;

“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”

That writing is so powerful and a great reminder to stop wasting our time on the inconsequential day-to-day things that we allow ourselves to occupy our minds.

Journal prompt

“If I could work on a project purely for myself, without monetizing it, showing it to anyone, or even telling anyone I was working on it – what would it be? How can I carve out time this week to work on that?”

Call to Adventure

Ready to take control of your career and design a life you love? The next step is yours. Book your FREE call with me today.

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Until next week!!

Work and live well.


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