In A Noisy World, Your Brand Is Your Voice

The resumé is dead. (Good riddance!)

What will help you land a new job or get promoted isn’t what you’ve got listed on your resumé, but what your personal brand is (even as an employee).

While it’s true that many organizations still use resumés as a screening tool, many make hiring decisions based on past projects you’ve delivered on and how aligned your brand is with the work they need to be done.

The world of work has drastically changed, in ways that make establishing a personal brand critical;

  • we “work in public” more than ever, sharing our ideas in social media. Potential employers pay a lot of attention to how you present yourself and your work online.
  • the pace of change is so fast, it is increasingly difficult for employers to have a deep understanding of what type of skills they need to hire for when considering longer-term, strategic hires.
  • talent is available globally, as most organizations offer various degrees of options for working remotely.
  • thought leadership has become democratized. With the proliferation and popularity of sites like LinkedIn, Medium, and X, anyone can position themselves as a thought leader in a domain by regularly making meaningful contributions that add value.
  • job market fluidity. Career paths are a lot less linear than they were in the past, and resumés are a throw-back to that past. People now change jobs, roles, and even industries multiple times in their careers, making it increasingly important to connect their work to a consistent through-line.

All the above factors mean that having a personal brand is no longer a something reserved for entrepreneurs and freelancers. Whether you’re an employee or an entrepreneur, your personal brand plays a crucial role in how others perceive you, the opportunities that come your way, and ultimately, your career success.

Many employees overlook the significance of personal branding, mistakenly believing it’s only relevant for those running their own businesses. This article will explore why developing a personal brand is essential for everyone, and how to go about building one that truly reflects who you are and what you stand for.

Why Personal Branding Matters for Employees

Believe it or not, even if you’re an employee, you’re always marketing yourself. Every interaction with your colleagues, every project you complete (or don’t!), and every email you respond to contributes to your personal brand. Your brand is how others perceive your value, your skills, and your professional identity. In a world where job security is increasingly uncertain and competition is fierce, a strong personal brand can be the differentiating factor that sets you apart.

A well-defined personal brand can lead to greater visibility within your organization, making you the go-to person for high-impact projects and promotions. It can also open doors to new opportunities, whether that’s a job offer from another company, an invitation to speak at industry events, or the chance to lead a new initiative. Your personal brand is your reputation, and it’s something you should actively manage rather than leave to chance.

You either create your brand intentionally or your unconscious creates it for you without your guidance – which may lead you to have a personal brand that isn’t aligned with what you want to be known for.

The Role of Personal Branding in Career Development

Branding is a perception game. But – careful here. It isn’t just smoke and mirrors. You need to deliver on the promise of your brand, by delivering quality work – or your brand will be toast. You only get one name for yourself, so you need to protect it.

Your personal brand influences how colleagues, superiors, and industry peers perceive you. It’s the sum of your skills, experiences, values, and the way you present yourself professionally. When done right, a strong personal brand can speed up your career development by making you more memorable and credible in the eyes of others. But if you develop a brand that labels you as someone that is hard to work with or that doesn’t deliver when it counts, that is hard to shake.

People sometimes feel gross about developing their brand and communicating it, not wanting to be seen as “tooting their own horn”. But personal branding isn’t just about self-promotion; it’s selling your ideas and communicating about why they matter. And how you can add value.

If you do great work and no one knows about it, you’re not really advancing the organization—or yourself. Part of delivering great work is ensuring that people know about it and how it makes things better.

If you can’t be proud of the work you’ve done, why should you expect others to be?

Steps to Define Your Personal Brand

Building a personal brand requires introspection and deliberate action. Here are some steps to help you define and develop your brand:

  • Self-Assessment. Start by assessing your strengths, values, passions, and professional goals. What are you good at? What do you care about? What drives you? Understanding these elements will help you shape a brand that is authentic and aligned with who you are.
  • Identify Your Unique Value Proposition. Consider what sets you apart from others in your field. This could be a specific skill set, a unique approach to work, or a distinctive combination of experiences. Your unique value proposition makes you stand out and should be at the core of your personal brand.
  • Incorporate Curiosity and Passion. Curiosity as a Driver: Let your curiosity guide you. Think about what truly fascinates you in your field or related areas and make that a central part of your brand. Being curious not only fuels continuous learning, but also shows that you are engaged and proactive.
  • Passions as a Pillar. Your passions, whether related to a specific aspect of your job or a broader mission, should be a cornerstone of your brand. Passion adds depth and authenticity to your brand, making it more compelling to others.
  • Mission-Driven Branding. Job as a Vehicle: View your job as the current vehicle through which you are driving toward a bigger mission. This perspective helps align your daily work with a larger purpose, making your professional journey more fulfilling.
  • Defining the Mission. Take the time to define your larger mission—what do you hope to achieve or contribute in the long run? Whether it’s advancing a particular industry, championing a specific cause, or reshaping how work is done, your mission should be a guiding force in your personal brand.
  • Consistent Messaging. Consistency is key to personal branding. Ensure that your messaging is consistent across all platforms—your resume, LinkedIn profile, social media presence, and how you communicate in professional settings. This builds trust and reinforces your brand.
  • Visual and Verbal Identity. Create a cohesive visual and verbal identity that aligns with your brand. This includes a professional photo, a tagline, or a concise elevator pitch that encapsulates who you are and what you stand for. Your visual and verbal identity should be memorable and resonate with your target audience.

How to Build and Maintain Your Personal Brand

Once you’ve defined your personal brand, the next step is to build and maintain it. Here’s how:

  • Networking. Build relationships that align with your brand. Networking isn’t just about making connections; it’s about cultivating meaningful relationships that can support and amplify your brand.
  • Content Creation. Share your knowledge and insights by creating content that reflects your brand. This could be as articles, blog posts, social media updates, or speaking engagements. Content creation helps establish you as a thought leader in your field.
  • Continuous Improvement. Personal branding is not a onetime task; it’s an ongoing process. Stay current with industry trends, seek feedback, and be willing to evolve your brand as you grow professionally.

The Impact of a Strong Personal Brand

A well-established personal brand that incorporates curiosity, passion, and mission can lead to greater career satisfaction, more opportunities, and a stronger professional reputation. When your brand aligns with who you are and what you stand for, it not only enhances your career, but also brings a sense of fulfilment and purpose to your professional life.

Conclusion: Taking Control of Your Personal Brand

In today’s competitive job market, having a personal brand is essential. Don’t leave your brand to chance—take proactive steps to define, build, and maintain it. Remember, your job is just the current way you’re driving toward your bigger mission. By bringing your curiosity and passions into your brand, you can create a professional identity that is not only successful but also meaningful and aligned with your larger goals.

Define and build out your personal brand today, and let it be the catalyst that propels you toward a more fulfilling and successful career.

Quotation that I’ve been pondering

This is an absolutely beautiful piece of writing from playwright George Bernard Shaw:

“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”

It’s easy to lose sight of “the why” behind your work and life. Ensuring you’re living in alignment with your “why” is the first step to living an incredible life.

Journal prompt

“What things are you adding to your to-do list mainly to avoid the pain of doing the thing you really should be doing?”

Call to Adventure

Are you ready to take control of your personal brand to reshape your career?

Book today and let’s go!

The longer you put off being intentional about your branding, the longer you’ll stay stuck in a job that may not be working for you.

Book 1-on-1 career conversation

Until next week!!

Work and live well.


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