Hey everyone!

I hope that you all had an amazing week. And even if you didn’t, I hope you understand that is okay too, and that you feel empowered to make this coming week better. We can’t control what happens in our lives, but we can control how we respond!

Let’s dive in to this week’s content…

How To Positively Shape Your World

The world is a beautiful and complex place. If you pay attention and examine the world, you will find many incredible experiences, encounters, and opportunities. Or, you may find problems, people or nations fighting, and tragedy. The world can also be a painful place. This seems especially relevant today; there is war, major natural disaster, and a lot of polarization and division amongst people.

Whether you see beauty or tragedy is up to you, you have all the power.

How you choose to view your life and our environment determines your level of happiness. If you look for negativity and disaster, you will find an endless supply of it. Conversely, if you choose to focus on things of beauty and joy in the world, of noticing acts of kindness between people, you will also find an endless supply of positivity.

By choosing to look at the world through the lens of positivity and optimism, you are likely to find beauty and joy in every corner. This allows you to appreciate the small moments, as well as the many grand acts of courage you witness throughout your life. Taking this view will allow you to have greater faith in the promise of a better tomorrow. You recognize difficulties are just temporary, setbacks to be overcome with creativity and determination. You’ll be more likely to persevere, knowing that substantial rewards often come from significant challenges.

However, if you choose to view the world through the lens of negativity and pessimism, your focus will be on obstacles and failures instead. You will always be able to find a reason that something won’t work, why you can’t contribute to making things better. Change will feel impossible. Instead of feeling appreciation and gratitude for what is in your life, you will only notice what is missing. You will be much more likely to give up in the face of adversity, rather than push through it and learn from the experience.

This means that you have an incredible amount of power to shape your world – and a lot of responsibility for how you perceive your life. You can choose light and joy, but that requires that you put your attention on the positive things in your world, paying less attention to the negative aspects.

You get more of what you focus on. Choose wisely my friends!

Quotation that I have been pondering

The first step to achieving something meaningful is to become delusional. Belief in your ability to achieve is a required step to achieve any goal. You may not yet know how to achieve it, but you must believe in your ability to figure it out. It’s even harder when it’s something that no one has done before.

For example, for years and years, everyone believed it was a hard physical limitation for a human to run a mile in less than four minutes. The popular belief was that the human body was physically incapable of this. Until Roger Bannister did it in 1954. Once it happened for the first time, others began breaking this “barrier” as well; it turns out it was only a limiting belief, rather than a physical limitation.

Over the past few days, I have been considering a quote by Brad Meltzer that nicely captures this idea.

“Remember, just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it’s impossible.”

I encourage you to consider if there are potential areas of your life where you are imposing false limits on yourself, and what you might do to eliminate them.

Journal Prompt

Most people want to feel valued, to know that they are contributing to making things better for someone. The sure-fire way to generate that feeling is to help others. That leads us to this week’s journal prompt:

“How can I be of service to others today?”

Take a few moments before starting your day to write out ideas that come to mind when reflecting on this prompt. By doing so, you are setting yourself up for a successful day, one that you will feel proud of when you go to bed that night.

Remember, the world needs you to fully embrace who you are. There is literally no one else that can make those unique contributions!

If you don’t feel that your career is allowing you to fully express who you are and isn’t leading you where you want to go, I can help. Book a free session with me to learn more.

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