How Collective Experiences Add Magic To Life

Hey everyone! I hope that you had an amazing week.

It’s that time of year again! Superbowl Sunday.

You may wonder why on earth I am talking about the Superbowl. What the heck does that have to do with the usual topics of building a meaningful career, with living an amazing life?

I am a huge believer in the idea of rituals and traditions, believing that they are important tools in making sure that we note the passage of time. Events like the Superbowl are also a big part of North American culture, uniting a huge number of people. It seems more important than ever to unite people for a common experience. For me, Superbowl Sunday is a key annual ritual, a coming-together of the collective, a shared experience.

These shared experiences are important to living an amazing life.

I usually try to pay attention to what (and how much) food I eat, having observed that the foods that I consume have a massive impact on how I feel and how I bring myself into the world. But this is one of those times when I throw that out the window, allowing myself to splurge on favourite snacks and treats. There will be a mountain of chicken wings, dripping with hot sauce. Meatballs too. And chips.

Obviously, we shouldn’t indulge like this very often, but I think it is good to allow yourself the occasional indulgence on a day like this. It is a great excuse to get together with friends, family, and neighbours and share in a collective experience, even if you aren’t really a football fan. It’s not about the football, but about immersing yourself in the collective experience.

There will be an epic battle, where every player lays it all on the line. They have dedicated their lives to making it to this moment; there is something so honourable in that. Countless hours of work, of sweat, of sacrifice have gone into the players arriving at this moment. What an exciting way to live, to pour yourself into what you do. We can learn from that.

Fire up the grill, grab some snacks, and get ready for the big game. Superbowl Sunday is here, and it’s time to cheer on your favourite team and enjoy this special day with friends and family.


Quotation that I have been pondering

Time is a funny thing. It can often just evaporate without us even noticing its passage. This week felt like one of those weeks. In looking back upon the week and compare my list of planned tasks versus what I accomplished, I felt rather disappointed with myself. I fell short of the expectations I had set for myself.

My initial reaction to this observation, like that of so many busy professionals, was to wish that “I had more time”. More time was not the answer, given that I had already mismanaged the time that I had. Having more time would just result in more wasted time. Which is why this quote from Debbie Millman resonated with me this week.

“Busy is a decision. We do the things we want to do, period. If we say we are too busy, it is just shorthand for the thing being ‘not important enough’ or ‘not a priority.’ Busy is not a badge. You don’t find the time to make things, you make the time to do things.”

Are you too busy or are you actually standing in the way of your progress? (Hint: it is almost certainly the latter).

Journal Prompt

In an ever-changing world, learning is one of the most important skills you can have. Most learning does not happen in a formal environment; it happens in the real world, when you try something and it either works or it doesn’t. The experiences that you encounter provide you with precious data that you need to leverage. You should always strive to improve yourself, to lean into the possibilities of who you might become. Which is why it is worth reflecting on the following question:

What is one lesson that I am currently learning?

True learning only happens when you reflect on experiences and then you make adjustments to how you work or live. You have learned nothing if the lesson is just information in your head; you need to act on it.

Learning drives change. If you want to change, you need to learn.

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