Explode Into 2023 By Rocking The Next Month

Don’t let the year just fade out and away.

I can’t believe it is already December. The year has literally flown by. Time seems to pass ever quicker as we age.

It being December means that there is 1 month left in the year (thanks Captain Obvious!). And December means a lot of gatherings with colleagues, family, and friends. Having time to connect with the people that are important to us is so important, and we should enjoy it.

But danger lurks. With only 1 month of the year left, many people will coast to the end of the year. After all, there is not much time left, right?

But the thing is, you can significantly move yourself forward in a month. Ending the year by accomplishing something important to you can leave you feeling very optimistic and positive about the upcoming year.

You don’t need to wait until 2023 to move yourself forward towards your goals! You can start today. Right now. There is no better time to get started.

I sincerely encourage you to make time to connect deeply with friends and family over the month. After the last couple of years, we all know how important those personal connections are. But I also encourage you not to leave 2022 behind by coasting.

Start taking action to create the career and life that you deserve. You have more power than you realize.

What are you going to accomplish in December that is going to leave you ready to tackle 2023?

Quotation that I have been pondering

Most children regularly act creatively, using their imagination to unlock play. Unfortunately, there are many factors that drive that imagination out of adults, leading to an overwhelming majority of adults who don’t identify as being “creative”.

But we need that imagination to be kept alive. It is the “secret sauce” to doing amazing things in life.

Which leads us to a quote from Gloria Steinem that I have been pondering this week.

“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.”

Can you set aside a bit of time this week, even just 20 minutes, to let your imagination run free, to dream about what your life might look like if you could wave a magic wand and change it up?

PS – you don’t actually need the magic wand; you can just choose to change your life up!

Journal Prompt

You need to know what you want your career and life to look like. There is no one universal definition of success.

Some people may want to build a fast-paced business that they can scale up and eventually sell. Others may want to work in a low-stress job that pays well enough and provides them the time and space for hobbies. Yet others may wish to go into a business that allows them to pursue a favourite hobby.

There is no right answer for everyone. But there is a right answer for you. And it is very unlikely that you will just stumble into it by accident.

You need to know what you want, or you can’t make the decisions and take the actions that will lead you there.

For this week’s journalling exercise, set aside some time and reflect on what you might want your career and life to look like.

What does an ideal day look like for you?

Go into as much detail as you can. Where would you be living? What kind of work would you be doing? Who would you be working with? Just let your imagination run wild, without worrying about how you would ever actually get to that point.

The first step to getting somewhere is knowing where you want to go.

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