Controversial idea: you don’t actually want more money. 🤯

You think you do. But you don’t.

What you really want is what you believe money will give you. Security. Status. A sense of control over your life. The freedom to do what you want, when you want.

But here’s the problem: most people chase money in ways that actually strip them of those things.

  • Taking promotions they don’t want for bigger paychecks, trapping themselves in roles that drain them.
  • Choosing careers based on salaries, only to realize years later that they don’t enjoy the work.
  • Trading their time, energy, and even their health for more money, only to turn around and spend that money trying to fill the void.

And the worst part? Many never stop to question whether they’re playing the wrong game entirely, one where money is the goal instead of a tool to build the life they actually want.

A study from Princeton found that after a certain income level (around $75,000), more money doesn’t actually lead to greater happiness. Yet people continue to chase it, believing the next raise or bonus will finally make them feel secure and fulfilled. But it rarely makes them feel that way, because money was never the actual goal. 🤔

Why Money is the Wrong Game

If money truly made people happy, wouldn’t the richest people in the world be the happiest? Yet studies (like the Princeton one I referred to earlier) show that wealthier individuals often experience higher levels of stress and anxiety, and many report feeling unfulfilled despite their financial success.

Here’s what actually happens when you make career decisions based primarily on money:

  • You take a promotion without considering the cost—longer hours, more stress, and responsibilities you don’t enjoy. Now, you’re earning more but enjoying your life less.
  • You enter a high-paying field you don’t love, thinking the money will make up for it. You’re happy with this trade-off (for a while). Until, little by little, you’ve adopted a more lavish lifestyle and begin to resent the work. And soon, you find yourself in a golden prison you’ve created for yourself, feeling stuck because your entire lifestyle now depends on that paycheck.

It’s a treadmill. The more you earn, the more you spend, and the more you feel you have to keep chasing money just to keep up.

What You Really Want

When you say you want more money, take a step back. What do you actually want?

For most people, it comes down to one (or more) of these:

  • Security: Knowing you can take care of yourself and your family.
  • A sense of self-worth: Feeling successful, like you’ve “made it.”
  • Social status: Understanding where you fit in the hierarchy of society.
  • Freedom: Having control over your time and decisions.

Money can help provide these things, but only if it’s pursued in the right way. If you make money your sole focus, you often end up with the opposite: less freedom, more stress, and a constant feeling of never having enough.

Play the Right Game

So if money isn’t the real game, what is?

Here’s the simple truth: Money is just a byproduct of value.

The more value you create for others, the more you’ll be rewarded financially. The people who end up making the most money are rarely the ones obsessed with money. Instead, they’re the ones obsessed with mastery, purpose, and impact.

  • Instead of chasing money, chase meaningful work that excites you.
  • Instead of focusing on salaries, focus on skills and impact that make you irreplaceable.
  • Instead of working a job just to pay the bills, design a career that energizes you.

The irony? If you do this, the money usually follows. Not because you were chasing it, but because you were working with your strengths, letting your creative energy flow, working from a place of inspiration, and creating a lot of value as a result.

The Real Measure of Wealth

Wealth isn’t just about a number in your bank account. It’s about waking up excited to do work you enjoy. It’s about having the freedom to make career choices that align with who you are, not just what pays the most.

The real game isn’t about making more money. It’s about creating a life where money is the side effect, not the goal.

So—are you building a career that gives you freedom, purpose, and fulfillment? Or are you stuck in the endless chase, hoping that the next paycheck will finally make you happy?

If you want a different outcome, you have to take different actions. The life and career you truly want won’t happen by accident—it’s time to make a change.

Quotation that I’ve been pondering

James Clear is famous for being the “habit guy”, having written one of the best books on the topic (Atomic Habits). But I came across this quote of his that has nothing at all to do with habits, and I found it brilliant.

“Anger is like an oven; heat without light. Forgiveness is like the moon; light without heat.”

This is such a great perspective.

Journal prompt

If money were no object, what kind of work would I choose to do every day? What does that tell me about my current path?

How I Can Help:

When you’re ready to take control of your work life and make work something that works for you, I’ve got you covered! Here’s how I can help:

  1. Join the free 5-Day Foundation-Building Challenge. Start building the essential pillars of your career foundation with this free, step-by-step challenge. It’s a great way to gain clarity, align your values, and take actionable steps toward meaningful change.
  2. Book a Free Discovery Call. Let’s explore where you are, where you want to go, and how I can help you get there. This no-obligation call is the perfect first step to see if my coaching is the right fit for you.
  3. Schedule a Paid Coaching Call. Need focused guidance on a specific career challenge? Book a one-on-one coaching session, and let’s work through it together to create actionable solutions.

Until next week!!

Work and live well.


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