by Tim Parkins | Sep 1, 2024
How Routines Can Become Ruts – And Destroy Your Success Want to know what’s keeping you stuck in the status quo? Your routines. Wait, what? I know, like so many other people, I’ve written repeatedly about the necessity of having the right habits and routines to make progress on challenging goals. But these habits and routines can also hold you back if you’re not careful. Let’s explore this idea… The Dark Side of Routines and Habits You’re undoubtedly aware of the importance of routines,…
by Tim Parkins | Aug 25, 2024
Ambition Vs Realism: How To Find Your Productive Sweet Spot I was getting upset with myself over the past couple of months. Let me explain why, and what I did to fix it. I think it may be useful for you as well. But first, a small aside about ‘systems’. Systems really matter. As James Clear writes in his brilliant book Atomic Habits, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” I agree whole-heartedly with that philosophy. My memory is terrible. I am…
by Tim Parkins | Aug 18, 2024
How To Shift Your Success From Possible To Inevitable Are you happy at work? Or does your hard-earned career “success” feel more like a punishment than a reward? You’ve climbed the corporate ladder, achieved your goals, but now you’re left wondering—why does it feel like something’s missing? You can’t help but wonder if there’s more out there for you, something more fulfilling and exciting. If this resonates with you, know that you’re not alone. I’ve spoken with countless professionals who’ve…
by Tim Parkins | Aug 11, 2024
The Professional’s Commitment: Delivering Consistently Despite the Struggle Confession time. 👀👀 I almost didn’t write this newsletter this week. In fact, I put it off until the last moment, and was feeling a twinge of guilt because I want to ensure that I’m always adding value for you, that I’m providing you something that at least some of you will find helpful. It was a busy week, filled with all the usual demands—work, chores, taxes, appointments, meetings, and commitments to others. So it…
by Tim Parkins | Aug 4, 2024
Why You’re Chained To Your Work (and What To Do About It) You may already know that fear is one of the primary reasons you continue to work at a job you don’t like. But you’re probably incorrect about exactly what you’re afraid of. You likely think you’re staying in that job out of a fear of the unknown, which is what most people believe. There is probably some truth to that idea, which is why it resonates. But I will bet that there’s a deeper fear that’s the real culprit. What makes me so…