Unleash your best work with less effort using this secret

Hey there! Hope that you had an amazing weekend, and that you invested some time in personal care. That could mean just relaxing, but even better if it included doing an activity that you love to do. That is by far the best way to recharge yourself and keep a positive outlook on life.
Now, as you prepare for the work week in front of you, I encourage you to consider how you can bring some of that positive energy into your work. What might you do to make work more fun? Don’t take yourself too…

How You Are Shaping Your Identity – Without Even Being Aware of It

The article “The Perils of Audience Capture” opens with the fascinating – and disturbing – story of the transformation of Nicholas Perry into “Nikocado Avoado”. You may wonder why I am sharing this article with you, as at first blush it doesn’t seem to be related to the world of work which is my usual area of focus. You might think that the idea of a “captive audience” has nothing to do with you. But, I think that this challenge goes well beyond the world of online content producers and…

How to Kick Procrastination in the A*$

How to Kick Procrastination in the A*$

Hey y’all!
It is nice and hot here, and I am very grateful that we live right next to the water. It is like we are at a cottage, even though it is our year-round house. The summer months are incredible here, and we are so blessed to get to enjoy it.
And this week is even better, as I am on vacation for the week! Summer is such a great time to kick back a bit, relax, and allow yourself the opportunity to recharge.
I hope you are having a great week, are enjoying the summer weather, and taking…

How To Excel At Work Without Burning Out

How To Excel At Work Without Burning Out

Hope that you are having a great week! As usual, here’s a sampling of some of the things on my mind and ideas I have been exploring over the past week.
While summer is a great time for rest, relaxation, and some time outdoors, it can also be a great opportunity for reflection on what you might do to improve things. I took a day off to do nothing but relax, read, meditate, and think about how I might continue to build upon an already amazing life. Because the journey never ends, we never…

How to make the best decisions.

How to make the best decisions.

How to make the best decisions.
Hint: you are likely basing them on the wrong things!
Are you aware of how you decide things?
It is important to understand that the manner in which you make each decision, how you go about living your life, reflects your past. You base your decisions on who you were, on what experiences you have had, and what worked for you before.
That is being human. We all behave this way. We go through life trying to figure things out, repeating what works and dropping…