Follow Your Curiosity Instead of Your Passion

Follow Your Curiosity Instead of Your Passion

Let Your Sense of Play Lead You
There is a real shift in workplace dynamics happening lately. People are (rightly!) questioning whether they want to remain at their job, or if the “grass is greener” somewhere else. There is a lot of pressure for companies to keep quality employees, giving those employees greater power to negotiate how they work. And that is great; the world of work has been broken for so many people for so long now. Time for change.
But – so much career advice centres around…

The Potential Damage of the “Quiet Quitting” Trend

The Potential Damage of the “Quiet Quitting” Trend

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a lot of discussion online around the idea of “quiet quitting”, which seems to be a sort of evolution of “The Great Resignation”. I previously made a case here that the “Great Resignation” was actually more of an awakening by employees, a realization that better was possible for them. Mostly, people were not leaving the workforce; they were shifting into jobs that more aligned with their goals. Which is a great thing!
Our collective every day…



It is Labour Day weekend here in North America, which signals a period of real transition. It marks the end of summer. The kids return to school. The cooler weather sets in (at least in my neck of the woods). It is a time for us to recommit to the journey that we are all on, the quest to do nothing less than to live the best life possible.
Even though it has been many moons since I have been in school, the shift into autumn still invokes the feeling of embarking on a journey of learning and…

How Changing Your Narrative Will Change Your Life

Who are you? Do you really know? And do you believe you get to define who you are? Because you do. That power is all within you; it is within every one of us. The problem is that most of us don’t believe that.
It scares us to think that we have that much power. It is much easier to blame others for our life not being what we want it to be.
We form and shape our identities, by the things we do, the stories we tell ourselves about why we do those things, and by taking feedback from the people…

You Are So Much More Than Your Work

What a week. I don’t know about you, but for me – this week was exhausting. If I am honest, I did not “practice what I preach”.
Transparency!! As someone that is committed to guiding people through transforming their work into something that they love doing, I let myself down this week. I did not live up to my own standards. Work took on a bigger role in my life than I should have allowed it to, and I wasn’t working out of love of the work. I tried to push through rather than working with the…