Why “Follow Your Passion” is Terrible Advice

Why “Follow Your Passion” is Terrible Advice

Hey everyone!
Thanks for subscribing and reading. I know how valuable your time and attention are, so seek to ensure that I add value.
Every Sunday I bring you an article, an interesting quote that has been on my mind, and a journal prompt, all related to working and living better.
If you know someone that you think would find this content useful, please forward this on to them! I want to be useful to as many people as possible.
Please reach out (tim@timparkins.com) if you have questions for…

Rewriting Your Professional Story: The Art and Science of Mid-Career Change

Rewriting Your Professional Story: The Art and Science of Mid-Career Change

Hey everyone!
Thanks for subscribing and reading. I know how valuable your time and attention are, so seek to ensure that I add value.
Every Sunday I bring you an article, an interesting quote that has been on my mind, and a journal prompt, all related to working and living better.
If you know someone that you think would find this content useful, please forward this on to them! I want to be useful to as many people as possible.
Please reach out (tim@timparkins.com) if you have questions for…

Half-time! How To Level Up To Crush The Rest Of 2023

Half-time! How To Level Up To Crush The Rest Of 2023

Hey everyone!
Thanks for subscribing and reading. I know how valuable your time and attention are, so seek to ensure that I add value.
Every Sunday I bring you an article, an interesting quote that has been on my mind, and a journal prompt, all related to working and living better.
If you know someone that you think would find this content useful, please forward this on to them! I want to be useful to as many people as possible.
Please reach out (tim@timparkins.com) if you have questions for…

50+ Timeless Rules For Living An Amazing Life

50+ Timeless Rules For Living An Amazing Life

Hey everyone!
First off, I’d like to wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. We sometimes take for granted the powerful role that fathers play in our lives. I hope you were able to connect with your dad in some way today.
This is a bit of a longer post this week. I hope you find it helpful!
If you know someone that you think would find this content useful, please forward this on to them! I want to be useful to as many people as possible.
Please reach out (tim@timparkins.com) if…

Stories You Tell: Your Secret Weapon To Crafting An Amazing Career

Stories You Tell: Your Secret Weapon To Crafting An Amazing Career

Hey everyone!
Thanks for subscribing and reading. I know how valuable your time and attention are, so seek to ensure that I add value.
Every Sunday I bring you an article, an interesting quote that has been on my mind, and a journal prompt, all related to working and living better.
If you know someone that you think would find this content useful, please forward this on to them! I want to be useful to as many people as possible.
Please reach out (tim@timparkins.com) if you have questions for…