by Tim Parkins | Apr 14, 2024
Hey Reader! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 We are fully into Q2 of 2024, and I hope you’re having success at making progress on your goals for the year. I’m doing great in most areas, but there are a couple of areas where I need to put some attention and focus. Knowing where to focus your attention is critical to success in our world, which is why I’m sharing thoughts on the importance of figuring out what you truly want. If you aren’t clear about what you want and what the trade-offs are to getting it, you’re not…
by Tim Parkins | Apr 7, 2024
Hey Reader! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 While in theory it is spring, it certainly isn’t feeling like it here over the past couple of days! But I’ve been in this region long enough to understand that there’s always a last snow storm before spring truly gets under way. That’s a pattern that repeats across many domains of life; you are in a period of transition, thinking you’re well on your way, and then there’s an inevitable setback before you get to the other side. That’s where patience comes in, along with the…
by Tim Parkins | Mar 31, 2024
Happy Easter !!! 🐣 I hope you had the opportunity to connect with family and loved ones to celebrate. The Easter weekend always feels like the real start of spring. It’s finally starting to warm up here and I’ve been enjoying puttering around in my yard. Excelling in your career and life requires you to overcome your tendency to procrastinate. It is a challenge that we all deal with. I found myself dealing with this last week, and my experience prompted me to share some thoughts on how to…
by Tim Parkins | Mar 24, 2024
Hey Reader! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 Welcome to spring! While it may officially be spring, here in Ottawa, it isn’t feeling like it. Brrr. 🥶 On the plus side, with the shift to Daylight Savings Time, it now feels like there’s a ‘bonus’ hour in the day, with it staying light out much later. I’ve met a lot of people whose identity is so wrapped up in work, it’s like work is the entire reason for them to get out of bed in the morning. That’s dangerous. Let’s briefly explore why that is and how you might change…
by Tim Parkins | Mar 17, 2024
Hey Reader! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 What a week! It’s been rock and roll for me, but I’m feeling great. Hope that you’re doing well. Let’s jump right in!! Kiss Complexity Goodbye: How to Assure Success Let me start off by saying something that may be controversial – success is simple. That goes completely against the story that most of us tell ourselves, most of the time. As silly as it seems, we want to believe that it’s complicated. Because if it was simple, we would already be successful, right? Success is…